– 60 mins of free calls, no software

We have seen a lot of web based calling services in the past. Along the same line is Zako Phone powered by German based ZaKoTel Telekommunikations GmbH. ZakoPhone offers high-quality international voice calling without any software setup. You can call regular phones in various popular destinations for a flat rate or call at low rate. All you need is a web browser with Flash Player 10 and headset (speaker and microphone). Zoko Phone will offer User to user calls in February 2009.

To promote their service they are offering 60 minutes (one hour) free calls to most popular destination, Unfortunately India is not included.

How to make free calls.

  • Register here and activate the link in email and login to Zako Phone website.
  • Click on the phone button, a new page will open ( take care of popup blocker)
  • The Phone will appear and you can start to place a call while entering the phone number you wish to dial to the phone.
  • If you dial to a number which is inside the World Package you can call 60 minutes for free, for all other destinations please buy credits, otherwise the call can not be established.
  • Please use always the international Dial form: Country Code + Area Code + Local Number without any 0 or +. For example, if you want to call Italy, then dial 39021XXXXXXX, otherwise you will get call failed error. Once 60 minutes are over, you have to purchase the credit to make the call.

tip: You can go for multiple registrations in order to get more free calls.


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